Memorable quotes In his book Exponential Organizations, Singularity University global ambassador and former head of innovation at Yahoo Salim Ismail defines an exponential organization as one whose impact (or output)—because of its use of networks or automation and/or its leveraging of the crowd—is disproportionally large compared to its number of employees. A linear organization—like, say, […]
Category: book
Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
This book explains the methods, part of a program to get the most out of your job, marriage and family life, as well as community. It’s not so much about being an intellectual or talent, as in learning and understanding the habit of thinking and behaving in ways to get there. A bit similar philosophy […]
New Rules for the New Economy by Kevin Kelly
Following that lead, I have assembled these rules of thumb by asking these questions: How do our tools shape our destiny? What kind of an economy is our new technology suggesting? Any network has two ingredients: nodes and connections. In the grand network we are now assembling, the size of the nodes is collapsing while […]
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden
Nathaniel Branden, the godfather of self-esteem – outlines the pillars to feel really great about yourself. Memorable quotes As an extension of human intelligence, a machine substitutes the power of thought for the power of muscles. While making physical labor less demanding, it makes it more productive. As technological development keeps evolving, the ratio keeps […]
Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success by Shane Snow
Memorable quotes Ignoring state politics, the average president spent just seven years as an elected official before reaching the White House. Five were never elected to any office before becoming president. There’s something wrong with the great American ladder-climbing advice: presidents of the United States, some of the world’s most successful people, don’t follow […]
The Way of the Fight by Georges St. Pierre
Memorable quotes Fear freezes your actions because it takes you into the world of what-if, and that’s the worst place anybody can be. This is when you start doing stupid things like predicting the future, or thinking your career as a mixed martial arts world champion is going to end suddenly. Forecasting doom and gloom […]
The Innovator’s Dilemma, When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail By Clayton Christensen
Memorable quotes First, disruptive products are simpler and cheaper; they generally promise lower margins, not greater profits. Second, disruptive technologies typically are first commercialized in emerging or insignificant markets. And third, leading firms’ most profitable customers generally don’t want, and indeed initially can’t use, products based on disruptive technologies. By and large, a disruptive technology […]
Rework by Jason Fried
Memorable quotes from the book Instead of entrepreneurs, let’s just call them starters. Anyone who creates a new business is a starter. You don’t need an MBA, a certificate, a fancy suit, a briefcase, or an above-average tolerance for risk. You just need an idea, a touch of confidence, and a push to get started. […]
SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham
One of the pioneering books in sales, this is a must-read, based on a huge 12-year, $1-million dollar research to understand effective sales performance. It narrows its details into the SPIN methodology (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff). Written by Neil Rackham, former president and founder of Huthwaite corporation. One of my key takeaways of this book […]
So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport
Memorable quotes Compelling careers often have complex origins that reject the simple idea that all you have to do is follow your passion. In Wrzesniewski’s research, the happiest, most passionate employees are not those who followed their passion into a position, but instead those who have been around long enough to become […]
How to Win Friend and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
American author, company executive and leadership expert Dale Carnegie started writing this book in the 1930’s as there was, at that time – no existing literatuer on a this topic: How to succesfully (in a proven way) behave towards other people. Memorable quotes ‘Rick, I know your hotel is quite busy and you would like […]
The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil
Memorable quotes I am often reminded of Arthur C. Clarke’s third law, that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world – Arthur Schopenhauer We’ll make another twenty years of progress in just fourteen years (by 2014), and then do the […]
Perfect Selling by Linda Richardson
A good introduction book into selling – where Linda explains a 5 step process: Connect Explore Leverage Resolve Act Linda also stresses the need for taking notes during meetings, maximizing listening/talking ratio and how customers buy from salespeople they believe understand what they want and care what is at stake for them. Memorable quotes Questioning […]
No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy, the Canadian self-help author discusses how most people give in to the two worst enemies of success: they take the path of least resistance (in other words, they’re lazy) and/or they want immediate gratification: and don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today. Memorable quotes The most important success […]
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
This is a very interesting book which brings up two different mindsets – 1) a growth mindset – seeing competencies as something that can be developed over time, fixed mindset – that your abilities are fixed and cannot be improved. Choosing either of which, has major implications in daily life as you face uncertainties or […]